Mental Health Appointments
To Make a Mental Health Therapy Appointment
Mental health therapy is provided via a secure telehealth platform and in person at:
Austin Middle School
Ball High School
Central Middle School
Collegiate Academy at Weis
Note: During the summer, therapy services are provided via telehealth and at the Ball High campus.
Consent Form
Download and complete a Parental Consent form if the patient is younger than 18 years old. If the patient is 18 - 21 years old, download and complete the Adult Consent form. All patients should also download and complete the Informed Consent for Telepsychology. Bring the completed form to your first appointment or fax it to (409) 765-5026.
To contact a member of our mental health staff or to make a mental health therapy appointment, call (409) 761-3530 ext. 7.
To refer someone else, call (409) 761-3530 ext. 7 or complete the Teen Health Center, Inc.'s Mental Health Counseling Referral Form and bring it to any clinic, mail it to the address listed below, or fax it to 409-765-5026. For Social and Emotional Learning Referrals please complete the Campus-Based SEL and Mental Health Support Form and submit it to your school Counselor.